Claims & Underwriting Sessions

This track is proudly sponsored by The Helper Bees.

The Claims and Underwriting track will focus on mitigating risk from both an Underwriting and Claims perspective. We will highlight ongoing challenges that underwriting and claims departments experience on a regular basis and provide insight on how these situations are managed throughout the industry as well as highlighting potential solutions. Sessions will provoke discussion around emerging trends inclusive of process and procedures across managing legacy Long-Term Care, Short-Term Care and Combination products.


ILTCI Opening Session

April 13th – 11am-12pm ET

How are you using technology to amplify human resources and ingenuity?  Are you ready to work with the next generation of sophisticated technology?  Is this the early dawn of a second renaissance? 

Thank you for joining the ILTCI Board of Directors and Executive Advisory Committee as we kick-off our 2021 Virtual Conference.  Our keynote speaker, sponsored by OneAmerica, will be ANDERS SÖRMAN-NILSSON global futurist and innovation strategist.  His insights pertaining to the past year and where we can go from here sets the tone for our 2021 Virtual Conference.

The COVID-19 Effect: Claims and Underwriting Processes – Part 1

April 15th – 2-3pm ET

With the Covid-19 pandemic, insurers have been required to change their model and expectations of how they work and how to meet the needs of their customers to ensure long term success.  In the first of this two-part session, we will discuss the current state of the union and the many challenges companies faced in moving to remote work arrangements as well as the impact that Covid-19 has had on the claims and underwriting processes. Be prepared for an active discussion based on polling questions and smaller group break- out sessions to allow for a dynamic and engaging dialogue with others in the industry.

Speakers: Karen Smyth (Moderator, Wilton Re)

Adverse Decisions: Considerations for Determining Risk Tolerance

April 15th – 3-4pm ET

Adverse decisions are one of the most challenging and important functions in any Claims Department. In this panel discussion, we will evaluate some of the many nuances to adverse decisions, including risk tolerance, challenging and evolving state regulations, policy interpretation issues, and effective policyholder communications. The session will conclude with a series of difficult, hypothetical adverse decisions to illustrate the many challenges that emerge with adverse decisions and highlight best practices for effective processes, while leveraging the panelists’ collective experience.

Speakers: Julie Belknap (Continental LTC), Steven Brogan (Moderator, Faegre Drinker), Cassandra Prebis (OneAmerica)

Provider Qualification – Applying Old Definitions to New Providers

April 20th – 2-3pm ET

Policies that were written many years ago often do not address providers types that have come into existence in the past decade or two – how does a Claims shop manage old policy language with new provider types?

Speakers: Courtney Colby (Thrivent), Charles Jenkins (CNA), Sandy Jones (Faegre Drinker),  Angela Shire (MedAmerica)

The COVID-19 Effect: Claims and Underwriting Processes – Part 2

April 20th – 3-4pm ET

In the second of this two-part session, we will continue discussions with a focus on the future and how the Covid-19 pandemic will shape business practices and strategies that will be critical to ongoing success in meeting the needs of customers and keeping employees engaged and productive.  We will use polling questions and smaller group break- out sessions for participants to share ideas, discuss obstacles and identify best practices for continued success in the post-pandemic environment.

Speakers: Karen Smyth (Moderator, Wilton Re)

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