Convince the Boss...
Need help with an email to send your boss? We got you...Considering the overall value and industry networking you will have the opportunity to experience at our conference, we’re not surprised you are looking forward to attending! Because we want everyone to attend who is interested, we would like to give you a helping hand in getting the green light. Below you will find an email that you can send to your boss when requesting approval to attend our conference. The email is meant as a template which you can cut & paste and modify as needed. We have both a short and a long version, use whichever your boss might prefer.
Please Note: There are areas in < > that you will want to customize on your own.
Short Version:
Subject Line: [Professional Development Opportunity] <insert boss’s first name>, I’d like to attend the ILTCI Conference (March 2024)
Hi <Insert Your Boss’ Name Here>,
The Intercompany Long-Term Care Insurance (ILTCI) Conference is hosting their next conference in San Diego, California from March 17 to 20th, 2024. As you know, this conference attracts a diverse group of attendees from the insurance & financial services industry. I believe that attending this conference will help me grow professionally by attending sessions and networking with industry leaders.
Fast Facts:
- Expected attendance: 900-1,000
- Education: 60+ breakout sessions
- Specialized Training: CLTC Master Class, SOA Professionalism Course, and more
- Networking Opportunities: there’s time during breaks and meals to visit with our clients, partners, and prospects
- Exhibitors: 50+
- Cost: $1,045 during Early Bird (includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Discounted pricing as low as $475 per person is available for sponsors, and exhibit booths include free registrations making that a cost-effective option as well.
- Venue Hotel Rate: $209 per night at Town & Country Resort (San Diego, CA)
Please let me know what you think – I’ll need to register soon to ensure my early bird rate and hotel availability.
Thanks for your consideration,
<Insert Your Name Here>
Long Version:
SUBJECT LINE: <Insert Your Boss’ Name Here>, I’d like to attend the ILTCI Conference
Hi <Insert Your Boss’ Name Here>,
As you know, keeping up on the latest industry information is essential for our company’s success. <you may want to customize this first sentence based on your unique needs>
The Intercompany Long-Term Care Insurance Conference is hosting their next conference in San Diego, California from March 17 to 20th, 2024. Each year this annual conference attracts a diverse attendance from the insurance, financial and various business sectors. Over 900 attendees are expected this year.
The main objective of this conference is to provide an information sharing and collaborative environment for insurance regulatory authorities, insurance educational institutes, actuaries and other special groups with interest in Long Term and Extended Care Insurance. It is the organization’s aim to ensure that the relationships and cooperative arrangements that are formed at these events will continue to blossom into ongoing endeavors to benefit the industry. The Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference also includes a two-day exhibition, where companies will have the opportunity to showcase their products and services to the diverse attendance group.
I believe that attending this conference will enable me to network with industry leaders and discover valuable new tools and connections for our business.
Here’s a quick breakdown of some conference benefits:
- Education: 60+ sessions featuring a high level of education and access to all the different ‘parts’ of the LTCI industry. Excellent mix of content with exceptionally qualified speakers.
- Specialized Training: CLTC Master Class, SOA Professionalism Course, and more.
- Networking: Meet, collaborate and learn from more than 900 attendees and long-term and extended care industry experts. Learn best practices shared by the leaders in the industry.
- Discover the Future: Advances in technology are evolving to assure LTC patients receive needed services. Visit the Exhibition Hall and gather information on products and services. See what 2024 and beyond means to LTC, LTCI, & Extended Care.
- Major companies already confirmed to attend include: Faegre Drinker Biddle, Fuzion, Genworth, LifeCare, LTC Partners, National Guardian Life, Nationwide, RGA, OneAmerica, Transamerica, Prudential, Milliman, and many more.
Here’s the cost break down:
Event retail cost: Discounted pricing as low as $475 per person is available for sponsors, and exhibit booths include free registrations making that a cost-effective option as well. If you are interested in possibly exhibiting or sponsoring, I invite you to check out the conference website at Venue hotel rate: $209 per night at Town & Country Resort in San Diego.
With your permission I’d like to secure my registration at this event before it sells out. Please reply as soon as possible with your decision.
Thanks for considering it.
<Insert Your Name Here>