Future of the Industry - General SessionTuesday, March 18 at 3:45pmYou won't want to miss the last session of the conference when we present a panel discussion related to the Future of the Long Term Care Industry. Carrier exits, in-force premium increases, missed assumptions, the persistent low interest rate environment, few new carriers, shrinking distribution -- our current business model is flawed and needs to change. Can the long term care insurance industry survive? Our industry needs to tackle head on what's wrong and learn how to fix it. Come to this session so we can level set our current state of affairs, be inspired by hearing about other industries who have faced tough times and engineered turnarounds and lastly, hear from an industry leading CEO why he is bullish on our future.SpeakersDr. Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D.Marc A. Cohen, Ph.D. is the Chief Research and Development Officer and former President of LifePlans, Inc., a long-term care insurance services, risk management and research company. Over his 20 year career at LifePlans, Dr. Cohen has conducted extensive research and analysis on a variety of public policy issues affecting the financing and delivery of long-term care services and the development and growth of the long-term care insurance market. Dr. Cohen has consulted widely to the health and long-term care insurance industry, implemented new and innovative risk management and prevention programs affecting elderly populations, and testified before Congress on issues related to long-term care financing and private insurance. Dr. Cohen received his Ph.D. from the Heller School at Brandeis University and his Masters Degree from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.Maria Ferrante-SchepisMaria Ferrante-Schepis is Managing Principal of Insurance and Financial Services at Maddock Douglas, Inc, an agency of innovation focused on helping large brands bring new ideas to market. After more than 20 years as an executive in the insurance and financial services industry, Maria has joined the Maddock Douglas team to focus on the opportunities for innovation in the insurance and financial services industry, recognizing the significant public and government demand for change. Her mission is to enable like-minded executives to proactively shape their own change, versus having it shaped for them. Maria’s most recent industry experience was as Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Guardian, a New York-based Fortune 300 company specializing in insurance and investments. Prior to that, Maria was Vice President of Marketing at Prudential in Newark, New Jersey and a spokesperson for the company’s studies in behavioral finance and retirement issues. Maria holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing and a Master of Business Administration in Management from Hofstra University. She is a frequent speaker at insurance industry events, and is a regular contributor to magazines and forums such as Life Insurance Selling, AM Best’s Review and The Wealth Channel. Her new book “Flirting with the Uninterested; Innovating in a “Sold Not Bought Category”, is available on amazon.com. Maria can be reached at maria.fs@maddockdouglas.com, and her blog address is www.flirtingwiththeuninterested.com.Thomas J. McInerneyThomas J. McInerney has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Genworth Financial, Inc. since January 2013. Before joining Genworth company, Mr. McInerney had served as a Senior Advisor at the Boston Consulting Group from June 2011 to December 2012, providing consulting and advisory services to leading insurance and financial services companies in the United States and Canada. Prior to that, Mr. McInerney spent 30 years working with ING Groep NV and Aetna Inc. From October 2009 to December 2010, Mr. McInerney was a member of ING Groep’s Management Board for Insurance, where he was the Chief Operating Officer for ING’s insurance and investment management businesses worldwide. From April 2006 to October 2009, he was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ING Americas and a member of ING Groep’s Executive Board, where he led ING’s pension, retirement services, insurance and investment management businesses in the United States, Canada and seven countries in Latin America. From October 2001 to April 2006, he was the Chief Executive Officer of ING U.S. Financial Services, where he was the head of ING’s insurance, retirement services and mutual funds business in the United States, and from December 2000 to October 2001, he was Chief Executive Officer of ING U.S. Worksite Financial Services, which focused on ING’s employer sponsored services. In 2000, ING Groep acquired Aetna Financial Services, for which Mr. McInerney served as President from August 1997 to December 2000. Prior to that, he served in many leadership positions with Aetna, including Senior Vice President for Sales and National Accounts for Aetna U.S. Healthcare from April 1996 to August 1997 and Vice President of Strategy for Aetna Inc. from July 1995 to April 1996. Mr. McInerney began his career as an insurance underwriter with Aetna Casualty and Surety in June 1978. Mr. McInerney has been active with the American Council of Life Insurers and the Financial Services Round table, having served on each association’s board and Chief Executive Officer Committee. Mr. McInerney received a B.A. in Economics from Colgate University and an M.B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.